Stop Living in the Past!

 Stop Living in the Past!

"Stop living in the past!" everyone cries, 

How can we, when the past defies, 

What did come to pass is the creation,

With it the lingering emotion. 

Like a rosebud left betwixt your fingertips,

The petals scattered like embattled ships,

Did they love me?

Do I love me?

The past creeps upon you,

Like a banshee afore the howl, 

Before she envelops you undue.

You know what this is, and scowl. 

I know.

I know history is what created me, 

From my conception, to now.

Also, too, an inclination to fight or flee, 

I know. 

Begone banshee. I don't need you.

My past is me. My future is me.

My subsistence today is my virtue, 

My presence is free.

Not to you, though.

- Dall
