The Problem with Sapiosexuality, and Ableism.

You’re thinking, “Really? Ableism? It’s ableist? Nah…”

Let me preface this by affirming that, for many of us on this planet, we do possess a certain level of attraction to intelligence, of a person being able to hold a conversation, and of course, to people who can at least operate an electric hot water jug or the TV remote.

With the bounty of dating apps these days and with more people feeling freer to explore different relationship structures and even kink, we come across a lot of so-called labels that humans wish to declare on their profiles, whether as a form of self-identification or just as a hint to the type of person they are and who they want to meet and date. Sapiosexuality is one that comes up a lot. Also, side note, just me, or are most dating profiles with the word “sapiosexual” usually that of cis white men? Don’t come at me, but I feel that this is a very fair generalisation.

Why is it ableist?

For starters, how do we measure intelligence? Is it by the number of books that they lie about reading each week? Is it by their education, did they finish kindergarden, high school, do they have one degree? Or two? Or a Masters, Phd? Are they a nuclear physicist hell-bent on world domination? (P.S pls get me their number thanks). Is it their mind-numbingly boring but earns well corporate job, or reading Shakespeare, listening to Mozart, while operating a forklift hauling pallets of toilet paper? Is it by what PC games they play, whether it’s Windows Solitaire as an escape, or a more serious and thought-provoking one like a strategy/adventure/puzzle game that only 9% of players on Steam have been able to achieve past the first level? Is it the lack of tasteful nudes? Is it the lack of fucking swearing like a sailor? Is it having a proper BBC English voice? What is it? How do we measure intelligence?

Here is the thing. You cannot.

You’re measuring by your own worth, and your own value. Which is not an inherently bad thing. You’re also pushing them on to others. Much like that annoying preacher on the street corner pushing his religion on to you. We hate that, don't we?

But if you are a person who is wondering why they cannot find a person they enjoy spending time with but are yet dismissing 95% of dating profiles because you feel that they aren’t or don't look “intelligent” enough for you. How do you even determine that in the first place?

I went off on a tangent, no regerts – and yes, that was intentional. How do ya like me now, huh. Anyhoo, how does this type of “sexuality” (it’s not even a valid one, but whatever) come into play when it comes to ableism?

So, I’ll use myself as an example, because of my own lived experiences. I am profoundly Deaf; I have been since birth. I can speak well, and I lipread well, but have 99.9% hearing loss now. I live my life independently, as I should. I am also currently doing an undergrad degree, I can read and write (sorry, kidding, I used ChatGPT for this). As many humans with disabilities have the right to do so, and many of them achieve so much. However, I also live with the pervasive “Deaf and Dumb” stigma from over a century ago. Yeah, yeah. You’re right now thinking “But I’d never think that about a Deaf person!”

You have. We all have.

We all also have at one point or other infantilised grown-ass people with disabilities and dismissed the level of intelligence that they ALWAYS possess. Those people work much harder than you do, within the lens of privilege when it comes to being abled or disabled, especially if they are a minority and disabled. They also achieve far greater than you do, in everyday life. While you’re sat on your ass moaning that you cannot find someone who can operate an electric kettle, let alone actually get to fuck or pluck out your chin hairs with. They're wondering if they will ever be accepted in this society that has been built around YOU being abled.

A person who labels themselves as sapiosexual are, privately, rather dumb individuals. For one, they possess very little to zero understanding of what intelligence is. Two, they seem to think that their own intelligence is an attractive part of themselves and expect others to think so. Also, I can absolutely guarantee you that they would be the first to turn off once they see that there is “something wrong” about a potential suitor, even if it’s just a cane as a walking aid, or a colostomy bag.

Another tangent: Sapiosexuality is also regarded by some as a mechanism for white supremacy. It’s a very bold claim, but it does have validity to it, especially when you begin to understand those very mechanisms that came to the fore in the first half of the 20th century, particularly for disabled people – we lost a great number during those terrible times. I don’t need to remind you of what those times were either. But this isn’t about race, nor the racial differences. Sort of, but I’ll get to that part another time if I do another writing bitching about sapiosexuality.

It’s about ableism and why sapiosexuality is so problematic. So, the next time you declare, like a pompous ass, that you’re sapiosexual, please take a moment to think to yourself… “Yikes, what a total dick I sound like.”

Just say that you’re attracted to intelligence without a need to overly explain or back yourself up with a claim, and just because they’re not into the same things that one requires brain power for, it doesn’t mean at all that they are wrong for you. We are all attracted to intelligence, even me. Sapiosexuality isn’t, at best, a valid sexuality either. Which just makes it the more ridiculous when you delve further into what it is.

I hope that I’ve at least given you some food for thought – whether positive or negative.

Nga mihi ki a koe e hoa. 

